Would you like to reduce your energy costs in your firm by using more self-produced electricity? Do you want to counteract further increases in electricity prices? Use your existing equipment as indirect storage for homemade electricity and increase the degree of personal usage of your solar power energy with the ZEUS energy control system.
The energy control system is based on the ZEUS SmartBox Balance and, in a first step, controls your existing energy consumers with load shifting potential in such a way that your homemade power is used as soon as it is available – e.g. when the sun is shining. This is possible where the consumer can produce from an UPstream storage to a DOWNstream storage.
Do not only think of heat and a hot water tanks in this context. You are surrounded by unused storage tanks, e.g. a cold storage room, a compressed air boiler, a silo or an ice water storage tank for milk cooling. Each of these indirect storage tanks is considerably cheaper than a battery.
Battery storage – as small as possible
Due to the comparatively high costs, battery storages should only be used after you have activated your indirect storages and charged battery-powered mobile devices. Battery storage is essential to power the most essential consumers at night – and to level control levels during the day. But they don’t have to be big. The energy control system continuously prioritises the consumers according to customisable parameters. If the amount of electricity generated by the system is not sufficient to guarantee the minimum storage capacity, the necessary amount of grid electricity is automatically added. At the same time, the module monitors your load peaks and thus additionally lowers your electricity bill. It is operated via a web app, which can be used within your company network via PC, tablet or smartphone. You can use the app to obtain information on the success of your energy control at any time, through summaries and graphic representations.