Management of delivery quantities and fermentation residue delivery, connection to vehicle scales, quality-related billing for suppliers and buyers, tools for optimising process biology and the CHP, control of plant costs and working hours, reports for public utility companies, municipalities, customs, fermentation residue buyers, nutrient balancing
Input processes
Record the input of the input materials at your plant (as opposed to fermenter feeding). Create comprehensive reports for authorities, utility companies and your own evaluations. The data is entered once and then serves various purposes – e.g. for the creation of invoices or credit notes. This saves time. The mask layout automatically adapts to the data entry process so that you only need to fill in the relevant fields. This ensures clarity. The module includes a large number of report templates that you can call up at the click of a mouse and narrow down or filter according to your requirements. In the professional software version you can work with self-defined units, which are converted into standard units for statistical summaries using a key. For example, it is possible to book “1 slurry barrel” on delivery, which is then later converted into m³ or tons in the statistical evaluation. Use the option of temporarily changing master data during data entry, or of entering standard transactions (for example, inbound delivery of liquid manure), all with one mouse click. This saves valuable input time! The professional version provides additional input fields (e.g. delivery note free text) and helps you to adapt the analysis templates to your requirements by means of intelligent filter functions.
Output processes
Record the discharge of the output materials (fermentation residue, pressed solids…) of your plant. Create comprehensive reports for authorities, energy supply companies and your own evaluations. The data is entered once and then serves various purposes – e.g. for the creation of nutrient balances or credit notes! The mask layout adapts automatically to the data entry process, so that you only fill in the relevant fields. This ensures clarity. The module includes a large number of report templates that you can call up at the click of a mouse and narrow down or filter according to your requirements. With the professional software version you can work with self-defined units, which are converted into standard units for statistical summaries using a key. For example, it is possible to book “1 slurry tank” at the time of delivery, which is then converted into m³ or tones later in the statistical evaluation. Use the possibility to temporarily change master data during entry, or to enter standard transactions (e.g. delivery of liquid manure), all with one mouse click. This saves valuable input time. The Professional software provides additional input fields (e.g. delivery note free text) and helps you to adapt the template evaluations to your requirements by means of intelligent filter functions.
Recording of other processes
In addition to input/output, you can enter all other processes at the plant that are to be documented or invoiced (purchases, sales, services – e.g. transport, foreign weighing in connection with a truck scale, etc.). This module is designed so flexibly that you can enter and further process or document a vast variety of processes.
Warehouse management
Without additional effort, you can manage a warehouse management system for input or output materials – e.g. for storage tanks or decentralized intermediate fermentation residue storage – or for the mobile silo.
- several silos per substance
- Several substances per silo
- Consideration of silage losses and shrinkage per silo
- Stock level reports and range of coverage estimation
Mixture planner
The mixture planner helps you to determine the suitable feed mixture for the fermenter on the basis of your own material analyses. In this way you can achieve optimum utilisation of the CHP. You can create any number of recipes for any period of time. During the composition of the mixture, you will always be shown sum and average values for quantities and energy contents as well as room load and residence time. In addition, the Professional software gives you an overview over the nutrient content of the input mix. This allows you to estimate the nutrient loads of the fermentation residue already during planning and feeding. The system automatically warns you if one of your self-defined limit values is exceeded (e.g. the room load or the NH4 content in the substrate). To optimize the mixture economically or to evaluate new substances in the mixture, the performance of each substance leaving out direct costs is calculated. In this way you maximize the revenue of the plant, taking into account the biological limits.
Analysis management
In many biogas plants, a wide variety of substances are examined for different parameters. The reports are then filed and can subsequently only be viewed or analysed with great effort. This module helps you to centrally manage and evaluate the analyses performed. Flexible examination schemes allow the combination of any parameters. By linking the analyses with input or output quantities you can, without additional effort, e.g. create finished nutrient balances for your suppliers and/or collectors, which include individual deliveries as well as annual statistics. If required, you can differentiate between animal or plant origin.
Machine Diary
The machine diary allows you to have a detailed cost control over all parts of the plant. All important information about spare parts and special features, including the address of the contact person, is centrally located in one place. This saves you search effort when things have to be done quickly (e.g. in case of damage).
Document repairs, maintenance work and fuel consumption. In this way, you always have the costs of each system component under control and can make the right decisions.
Save yourself the time-consuming detailed cost calculation via bookkeeping!
Draw up a hygiene plan for the plant and document the implementation of the measures to the authorities.
You can always document the proper use of the system to insurance companies or manufacturers and substantiate your claims objectively.
The integrated maintenance planner reliably reminds you of deadlines that are sometimes forgotten in daily business.
Time tracking module
Keitlinghaus Umweltservice simplifies personnel administration with a new “time recording” module. As an extension, this application enables the automatic recording of attendance and break times via a personalized chip. To do this, the employee identifies himself at a reader and then selects on a touch screen between the “Come”, “Go” and “Break” buttons. For control purposes, the employee is shown a calculation of the monthly working time worked so far.
The system calculates the attendance and absence times of all employees from the recorded data and stores them in a database. They are then available for evaluation via the proven reports of the “Personnel Administration” module. Up to three individually adjustable periods for the calculation of wage supplements can be defined for the remuneration of overtime.
The chip system can manage any number of employees and is compatible with the software compoware and gaerware.
Process data management
Process data such as the daily feeding quantity, the filling level of the gas storage tank or the fermenter temperatures are recorded and evaluated. With the help of the module GABI, the data is evaluated graphically, the visualisation through tables or reports is easily done and it is further possible to create a monthly operating diary.
Integration with MS Office
compoware is professionally embedded in the MS Office package from Microsoft.
- This allows you to easily export entered data, e.g. to an Excel spreadsheet, where you can make further individual evaluations.
- You can also export the customer master data to create serial letters to your suppliers or customers. This simplifies the maintenance of business contacts.
- Use the copy/paste function to copy data directly from compoware to other Microsoft programs for further use.
Cash book
The cash book automatically records all cash deposits and withdrawals. The theoretical cash balance can be compared with the current balance and adjusted accordingly. Extensive reports enable an exact proofing of cash transactions.
Personnel Administration
Document the deployment of different workers at the plant and easily manage vacation and overtime accounts. Record activities at the plant to determine how much time is needed for what task.
Scale connectivity
The Connect module is the optimal interface for connecting various weighing electronics and peripheral devices. It is already preconfigured for many weighing electronics and the connection of several parallel weighing systems is possible. In addition to the usual weighing functions, driver self-weighing is also possible.
Weather data
The continuous recording of weather data, especially wind direction and strength, is a basic prerequisite for objective discussions with neighbours – e.g. about odour emissions.
Use the weather module to keep these records centrally and to evaluate the data in reports and graphics.
Recording of all weather data via a fully automatic weather station and a corresponding interface to compoware. This means that you no longer need to enter weather data, but you always have all the data you need at your fingertips, including wind direction and rainfall at any time interval.
Relevant data already entered via the input or output module can be invoiced at the click of a mouse. In doing so, compoware independently differentiates between “invoice” and “credit note” depending on the type of the numbers.
If required, create an individual price list for each customer for different input material qualities or end products. Thereby, you keep your flexibility in pricing.
It is possible to make Price changes – regardless of the time of entry – until immediately before the invoice is issued. This means that the entry is independent of the commercial competence.
Track incoming payments with the integrated open item manager or get an overview of business relationships with your customers at the push of a button. With the inventory management module you always keep the overview.
With the offer and order management you can create offers and order confirmations for your business partners within seconds using pre-formulated text modules. The order confirmation can be used as a basis for subsequent billing and at the same time as a price list.