This web app enables the mobile recording of all data that is not already recorded automatically via the plant as well as additional explanatory notes. Tiresome paperwork and the subsequent transfer to the Office PC can thus be eliminated. With Zeus Web, the user can carry out these activities directly during the tour of the plant and, thereby, saves administrative effort.
The data is entered online via a PC browser, tablet or smartphone. In offline phases, the upload to the database is postponed and realised via a WLAN or mobile phone internet connection as soon as it is available again. Thanks to a special data management system, only minimal amounts of data are transferred, allowing operation even in areas with poor mobile phone coverage.
![Ansicht der Erfassungsmaske auf dem Smartphone](https://keitlinghaus.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ZEUSWEB-01-mobile-Ansicht_DE-562x1024.png)
Any data and texts can be documented. The user can define any (text) attributes via the master data administration, combine them into data entry groups and extend or rename them at any time. The user can enter data for several different plants.
![Ansicht der Erfassungsmaske im Browser](https://keitlinghaus.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ZEUSWEB-02-Browseransicht_DE-1024x597.png)
The data can be summarized in daily, weekly, monthly or individual recording intervals.
During data entry, an individually configurable assistant ensures that typing errors are avoided. This efficiently increases the data quality for later analyses.
Data analysis is carried out using the proven ZEUS modules GABI or Report.
Via the user administration, any number of users with different rights (e.g. also consultants) can be involved.